Reflective Writing – Post 12

I would like to dedicate my last reflective blog post on how far I have come in those last two years and reflect back on the good things and the bad things I done, mainly with regards to my time management.

It is safe to say that I have always managed to finish my work and assignments on time up to this point which is a good thing in itself, however I still feel that for the most part, I could have done more and eventually would have gotten a better grade in most of the assignments.

The reason why I think so is because I manage to finish my assignments always one or two days before, sometimes even on the same date as the submission, and this gives me little to no time to double check my work and make necessary arrangements or improvements.

This reminds me of the importance that MCAST can’t seem to stop stressing us about, with regards to managing our time. I tried making use of gantt charts, but I always end up ignoring those eventually. I do not take them seriously enough to be committed to them. There is however an alternative which I have not yet tried.

This year, one of our lecturers introduced us to an application called “Habitica” which is basically an application used to build habits and achieve one’s goals and motivate an individual to pursue them. It is a way of gamifying one’s life.

Screenshot taken from Habitica 

I could use this app to set daily goals such as:

  • Finish one blog of Psychology of Play every week
  • Finish one blog of Critical Thinking every week
  • Write 200 words each day for the report of Task 2

For my next assignment/project I could make use of this application which might make my life easier knowing that I have a goal to reach, so that I could get experience points and this would in turn keep me from procrastination and have enough time to double check and improve my work.

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