Reflective Writing – Post 9

Update: After six weeks, MCAST finally got us a lecturer to teach us AI. Our new lecturer is much better than the previous one, but sometimes I feel that during explanations we would not understand each other fully.

When our teacher is explaining herself and the subject, it’s as if she starts to jump from one topic to the other without ever concluding one and most of the time I end up not understanding what the teacher expects from me for the class exercises because I lose interest.

I would then have to proceed and ask my other classmates on what it is that we should be doing. This is the only lecture where I find myself doing this and what makes it even worse is that I feel shy or embarrassed to ask the lecturer to re-explain the task. This is very unlike me because usually I tend to ask questions when I do not understand something. It could be that for some reason I feel intimidated by the lecturer.

Having experienced this in the past three lessons that we had, I now feel as if it is rather foolish to ask for an explanation from my friends. Perhaps the reason why I feel shy is because I feel as if I am wasting the time of my friends.

For next time, the best thing I should do, if I do not understand something the teacher said, is wait until she finishes speaking and then go and ask her in private. That way I would not feel as if I am wasting my friends’ time and would probably understand the subject better.


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