Reflective Writing – Post 8

Every week, since starting second semester in our new unit ‘Psychology of Play’, we are required to write a 250-word blog post for one of our tasks.

I actually find them quite easy, because for the most part, all we have to do is write about what we covered in class and sometimes carry out our own research, which quite frankly I actually like doing. Since the subject is related to gaming, sometimes we have to play games before writing our blog posts which I also find enjoyable.

The problem  with this however is that although I find them quite easy, they take so much of my time. Two weeks ago I had this blog where it actually took me three hours to complete and I also ended up writing over 500 words instead of just 250. There was a lot of content to cover and I felt that most of what I was writing was important. Another reason why it takes me so long to complete is because I conduct a lot of research beforehand and search for information from a lot of different sources.

Carrying out the task this way is not actually bad in itself, however I still feel like three hours is too much for a simple 250-word blog post and I have other work of other assignments to finish and the deadlines are all close. Even when I talk with some of my classmates, they all say they finish them in half an hour or less most of the time, which makes me feel like I am doing something wrong.

I am still not quite sure if I should continue doing my blog posts this way, despite my feelings, or if I should perhaps learn to find just a few good and trusted sources and take my information from those. I am also not a very fast reader, and I find skimming through text quite difficult. I could perhaps make a habit of this, so that in the future I would be able to analyze long pieces of text quicker and more efficiently.

For next week’s blog I am going to try and stick to the word count, while also reducing the number of hours spent for each blog. I am also going to try and include more visuals and perhaps videos as well to support my write-up. This would hopefully reduce my word count as well.

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