Reflective Writing – Post 6

There is so much information and a great deal of school content to remember and stay updated with nowadays, that it is with great ease to forget school material and fall behind in subjects if one does not revise and apart from school there are other things we have to deal with at home such as family and hobbies.

The worst part though is that at first, during the first few weeks of MCAST, we do not get a lot of work or have a lot of assignments, but then at the end of the semester, we are bombarded with assignments and school work from all units, which makes it hard keeping up and this happened last semester to me and my classmates.

I have no control over this or the deadlines of my assignments which is somewhat frustrating, however sometimes, when I compare myself to other students, most of the time I find that I still end up finishing last. Then I realize that this is also partly my fault, mainly because I leave the subjects that I am bad at for last. Another factor is that when I am at home on my computer, I tend to have a lot of distractions around. Whether it be a Facebook tab open or an online game or even a simple book that I read for pleasure, it redirects my focus from what I should be doing.

I should make it a habit that when I am about to do school related work, I close out and remove everything which is not related to school. Building up this habit can be somewhat challenging, since knowing me, I tend to get distracted easily, but there are a few things I could try to help me out. I could create a better study place; a place where distractions are minimum. Instead of doing my school work in the kitchen where a lot of noise happens, I could stay in my room upstairs and remove from my desk anything which is not related. Noise is a huge distraction to me, so music, TV and radio would not be allowed. Furthermore I should politely ask family members to not distract me during those hours.

In my future assignments I should also start by doing the hardest assignments and give  more attention to harder units, so that I will have enough energy to carry them out. I should also take regular breaks and get enough sleep every night. This would probably give me enough time to finish my assignments beforehand and not panic as much to try and reach all the deadlines at once like last semester.


wikiHow. (2018). How to Improve Your Study Skills. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Mar. 2018].

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