Reflective Writing – Post 4

For this post, I would like to write about the two subjects in my course that I find the most challenging which are PHP and Databases and App development and present ideas as to why I find these subjects more difficult than others and perhaps what actions I should take to understand these subjects better.

Every time we have a lecture on said subjects, I feel like I am learning a lot by following and writing exactly step-by-step what the lecturer is typing, however when I try and do what the lecturer did in the lesson on my own, I do not manage to meet my expectations and have to rely on the lecturer for an answer which makes it frustrating for me.

This has been happening to me for quite a while now, occurring mostly when it comes to coding. I keep fooling myself over and over again that just by listening to what the lecturer is saying in class and by taking the notes down myself, I am learning a lot and it is enough, but I should know better.

A new subject we had for example was 3D modelling. I immediately found that I had a passion for it. In class I followed what the lecturer told us to do and I did find it difficult at first to learn the basics and follow along. When I went home, I practised and created models of my own and as time went by, I got pretty confident in the subject. This was not the case with coding. Once I went home I did not revise the subjects or practised them and now time has passed and the subjects got more complex and I am finding it more difficult to understand the lectures.

I believe that everyone has different learning techniques and my best method of learning a subject is to practise what I learned on my own so that I can encounter mistakes and figure out how to solve them.

As a next step, if I want to get better at coding I must practise it at home and not just during lectures because this way I get to learn and become more confident in the subjects, just like I did in 3D modelling.


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