Analogous and Complementary Colours

Have you ever been unclear and indecisive in what colours you should make use of in order to catch the eye and make something such as a website, pleasing to look at? Well, this is where one needs to make use of harmonious colours. For analogue colours, if we pick 2 or 3 colours which are close to each other in the colour wheel, for example the Blue-Green, the Green and the Yellow-Green, these match quite nicely, is pleasing for the eye and has a rather serenic effect!



Furthermore, one can also match colours by using the “opposites” so to speak on the colour wheel. So for example Green and Red (complementary colours) or Yellow-Green and Red-Violet. These colours, when put together, are easy on the eye and can be put to good use when you want to make something stand out.





References (2016). Basic color schemes: Color Theory Introduction. [online] Available at: [Accessed 07 Oct. 2016].

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