
So what exactly caught my interest in the first place that made me further my studies in Interactive Media? Well it all started when I was still in secondary school, the place and time where you really start noticing what things you like to do more than others. So one day we were having a computer lesson and in this lesson we learned a little about Photoshop, some techniques we can use, quick tips and tricks to make use of. to give and show an image its 100% potential etc etc…The lesson was only 1 hour long so we didn’t really have time to practice Photoshop ourselves, but the teacher showed us some really great pictures and images that were edited and enhanced using Photoshop and I immediately loved what I saw and wanted to be able to manipulate, create and change images myself using Photoshop.

Long story short, from then onwards, I decided to continue my studies at MCAST Paola on IT Software, where there we learned some subjects that I found really enjoyable, one of them being 3D Modelling. Programming was never really my forte and so I decided to continue furthering my studies at MCAST Mosta at the Institute of Creative Arts.

My next target now is to get a Degree in Interactive Media and after that, hopefully find a job associated with my studies, or at least a job which makes me content.


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